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plastic bearings

plastic bearings
Author :Admin | Publish Date:2012-08-01 09:15:35

                                             Plastic Bearings


           Engineers often hesitate to use Plastic Bearings in their designs, because they have trusted steel bearings for years or they just don't think plastics can handle demanding applications or environments. Plastic Bearings, however, can endure extreme temperatures, heavy loads and high speeds. Some other benefits to Plastic Bearings are listed below.

            Plastic Bearings can often lead to more freedom from maintenance. Their resistance to dirt, dust and chemicals make plastic bearings a set-it-and-forget-it solution. Plastic Bearings can reduce costs up to 25%. They can be highly wear resistance, with a low coefficient of friction and can replace more expensive alternatives in many applications. Plastic Bearings also do not typically need lubrication unless steel balls are used in combination with plastic races.


            Plastic bearings are designed to maintain a low coefficient of friction over the life of the bearing. Compared to steel bearings, which can become pitted and increase the coefficient of friction, plastic bearings many times last longer. And finally, Plastic Bearings can be used in wash-down applications, salt water and harsh chemicals without compromising performance. Water can even be considered as a lubricant for plastic bearings.


            Plastic bearings are lighter in weight, non-magnetic, and have a low coefficient of friction.  Lower cage friction equates to reduced heat generation. Plastic bearings often allow more flexible designs. And, they are highly resistant to dust, dirt, chemicals and corrosives. Hartford plastic bearings are engineered to run permanently free of lubrication, and, because they are highly resilient, their long service life is virtually maintenance-free.


             Plastic bearings are available in standard inch and metric sizes. Plastic race bearings can be made in special sizes and types in small and large quantities. Plastic radial ball bearings offer many advantages over standard steel bearings, which include:


1. Corrosion Resistant
2. Design flexibility
3. Bearing & application integration
4. Non magnetic
5. Hygienic
6. Lubrication free
7. Light weight
8. Low inertia- freer turning

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